Art can be anything,
A way to express yourself,
however you do it,
There is a message there,
colours and shapes that let the imagination run wild,
until something is created.

Hello, dear visitor,
Thank you for visiting my web blog!
Please also take a moment to check out sections — Gallery & Expo,
more photos of my work and exhibitions past.
Kind regards,

Exhibition in my neighbourhood 

New collection Album of my Artworks

25 euros Franco delivery

Hi visitor, 

Interested in my new album? Or just want to leave a comment, 

feel free to any suggestions, write me next door >>>>>

New Facebook page – MOSAIC

friend me and get updates from latest works


New item @ My webshop 

Print on plexiglass – VALENTINE 


Visit me also @ online gallery—ARTBOXY 


 Exhibition @ PARIS  

Agent & Gallerist Valentine Druart  

Avenue de Suffren 112 -
 75015 - Paris